comes to your surgery with her husband.
She says
she woke up and her hand felt funny and she had trouble washing
her hair and face as her hand felt clumsy. Her husband advises that
the left side of her face does not appear normal as it should.You
continue to gather more information to further define the problem.
is 35 and was previously well. She awoke with a story of left sided
arm and face weakness. There was associated neglect. There was no
headache. She now feels well.
does not smoke, and is not on the oral contraceptive pill or any
other drugs. She is usually well except for migraines which she
has had for years. These consist of visual aura and unilateral headaches.
past history includes two mid trimester abortions (para 2, gravida
4) and a deep vein thrombosis.
mother suffered a stroke at the age of 48.