Parasitic infections in Kuwait: A study based on Primary Care Centers

intestinal parasites was 24.5% [8] .Our data showed that Enterobius vermicularis was the most common parasite detected, followed by Entamoeba histolitica,  Entamoeba coli and Giardia lamblia. Ascaris lumbricoides,  Blastocystic homoni, Schistosoma mansoni, Iodamoeba butschlin, Trichomonas hominis, Endolimax nana and Ancylostoma were less prevelant parasites. Study done in Saudi Arabia showed that the most common pathogen found among patients is Giardia Lamblia (6.7%), followed by Entamoeba coli (4.59%) and Endolimax nana (1.82%) [6] .The study done in Gaza  showed that the most common parasite detected was Giardia lamblia (62.2%), followed by Ascaris lumbricoides (20.0%) then Entamoeba histolitica (18.0%) [8]. Our results showed that parasitic infections were significantly common in children (39.3%) than adults (25.7%). This is consistent with other study where children (19.5%) had the highest prevalence than adults (12%) [6]. Our data showed that the most common type of parasite found in adults were Entamoeba histolitica, followed by Entamoeba coli, whereas the most common type of parasite found in children were Enterobius vermicularis, followed by Giardia lamblia. Epidemiological surveys have shown that parasitic diarrhoea in children is primarily due to Giardia lamblia infection, while that of adults is a result of Entamoeba histolitica [9]. There was significantly higher prevalence of parasitic infections among those with low family income and having lower level of education. Study done in Riyadh showed that the role of socio economic factors was minimal [10].  In contrast to other study done in Abha reported a much higher prevalence among individuals from a lower socio- economic status [11]. Our data showed that there was no significant relationship between gender and parasitic infection. This is consistence with study done in Jamaica which showed that there was no predilection for gender with any of the parasite [12]. Significantly, there was no difference in the prevalence of parasitic infection between Kuwaitis and non-Kuwaitis . This is consistence with the study done in Riyadh, which showed that there is no significant difference in the rate of infection between Saudis and non-Saudis [6]. Our results revealed that the highest prevalence of parasitic infection was found  in Al-Ahmadi and Al-Jahra, and the least in capital health region .As we move away from the capital, agriculture is more practiced . These regions are crowded and lack  basic facility. Mobayed et al [13] demonstrated that parasitic infections  were almost twice as common among rural as compared with urban areas.

Table.3  Infection in children and adults by type
Parasitic Infection

Children      (n=150)       Infected           %

Infected              %


Infected       %

 E.vermicularis    44                  29.3     25                3.3   69             7.6 
 E.histolytica      3                    2     51                6.6        54             5.9
 G.lamblia      7                   4.6     22                2.9   29             3.2
 E.coli      2                   1.3     41                5.4   43             4.7
 A.lumbricoides      3                    2     19                2.5   22              2.4
 B. hominis      -                    -     10                1.3   10              1.1
 S.mansonis      -                    -       6                0.8     6               0.7
 T.homini      -                    -       5                0.7     5               0.5
 E.nana      -                    -       1                0.13     1               0.1
 I.butschlii      -                    -       6                0.8     6               0.7
 A.duodenale      -                    -       1                0.1     1               0.1

* Children Vs Adults (Significantly higher, p<0.001)


The results of our study confirmed that poor hygienic conditions; low socio-economic status, and low education are the most important contributors to  parasitic infection among people. Enterobius vermicularis is the most common parasite detected .  


We would like to express our thanks and gratitude to Dr. layla A l-Dosary, the director of primary health care, and to all head doctors and doctors of primary health care who extended their cooperation. We are also grateful to Dr. Anjum Memon for his valuable criticism and encouragement during the course of this Work.