The use of mesh in hernia repair, risk management and the advantages of day surgery |
severity of symptoms or the possibility of strangulation must be
balanced against the risk of the anaesthetic, the operative or
post-operative complications and the long term success of surgical
repair. Teaching
about herniae has not altered substantially for many years. The
residency staff are required to understand the pre-operative and
post-operative care. The
primary care physician should do all this and be able to counsel a
patient – patients wish to know the different possibilities. The nursing staff work side by side and they should be knowledgeable in these different aspects, so they can best administer the care pre-operatively, be part of the surgical team and then give post-operative care. CURRENT SITUATION REGARDING HERNIAE Now the results of surgical correction have
improved with both the morbidity and mortality from surgery falling
substantially. Most hernias can be repaired under local anesthesia.
Patients spend only a few hours in hospital. The cost savings of
this are enormous and allow resources to be diverted to other problems.
A variety of surgical techniques have evolved and all are
designed to provide a short stay in hospital, rapid mobilization and
early return to work, whilst at the same time claiming there is minimal
pain. The recurrence rate is said to be less. However all surgeons can attest that they see other
surgeons’ recurrence as well as their own. Many series now quote recurrence rates of 0.1 –
0.5 %, these usually come from centers of specialists, primarily devoted
to the care of hernias. These
are very impressive figures. One problem however, in assessing these
series is in judging the extent of follow-up undertaken.
How accurate was the re-examination and what was the percentage of patients who were actually examined after 5 or 10 years? With
increasing availability of safe and early surgery, strangulation is a
much less common event now. Patients tend to present earlier and bowel
resection rates have also decreased. As
surgery becomes increasingly safe, the problems of persisting
post-operative pain, quality of life, the ability to work, as well as
the recurrence rate have become more important issues. Extra
measures to increase the strength and durability of the repair are being
increasingly stressed. These include: A.
Suturing, with a modern synthetic monofilible non-absorbable suture. One
variety of this technique is the Darn technique. There multiple layers
are formed. Together with this some surgeons use a relieving incision in
the anterior sheath of the rectus muscle to reduce tension on the suture
There has been an increasing reliance on the use of mesh in The Lichtenstein technique has superseded the Bassini repair. The muscles of the posterior wall of the inguinal canal were pulled down to the inguinal ligament under tension. This technique has become very unfashionable because it is felt that there is too much tension on the suture line. It has been shown that there is a high recurrence rate for the direct inguinal hernias using the Bassini repair. It is the suturing that keeps the hernia contents
in place, but it is the mesh that gives the immediate and long lasting
strength to the repair. In this series the use of non-absorbable
monofilament sutures for hernia repair has been advocated. These give
immediate and lasting strength, particularly in the first month or two
when the strength of the scar is till increasing. As is refinements in both suture materials and mesh have occurred they
have reduced the risk of infection. However, should infection develop,
there is the risk of chronic sinus formation and the need to remove the
sutures and mesh – a surgical disaster.
The Setting Day surgery is also carried out at major hospitals
where there is the option of keeping the patient overnight. This has
some advantages for the elderly or with higher medical risks. It is
pleasing however to see that day surgery has led to good results with
fairly few readmissions because of careful selection.
The main cause for readmission has been postural hypotension or
vasovagal fainting at home that evening. The aim of day surgery is to give a good outcome
and to reduce waiting lists and costs. One of the major changes during the last few
decades is the increasing importance of rapid mobilization, shorter stay
in hospital and rapid return to normal life and the work force. Pre Operative Assessment: The patient should be assessed in the office for
factors which might influence local complications e.g. Infection or
bleeding, and factors that might lead to general complication such as
lung or cardiac disease. Be aware of problems, which may actually
predispose to the development of the hernia and may influence the risk
of recurrence such as, obesity or even patients using steroids. There
maybe problems present which make the use of local anesthesia an obvious
advantage such as a previous history of deep vein thrombosis or factors,
which may increase the risk of deep venous thrombosis. |