The society is so stressed that by 2010, one in three people will be suffering from depression which psychiatrists consider needs medical treatment by drugs. So we come to the brave new world of Aldous Huxley where the workers are placed on soma to blunt their conception of what freedom or real quality of life is.

The scientific work in medicine done on the effects of a stressed society on disease really started with the work of Dr David Spiegel at Stanford University. In 1989, his very significant work on the effect of psychosocial treatment on the survival of patients with metastatic breast cancer was published in the Lancet. 86 patients were split into two groups. Both groups had routine cancer therapy. However, the treatment group had a one year intervention consisting of a weekly supportive group therapy. The study showed survival time for the intervention group was 36.6 months compared with 18.9 months for the controlled group. This means that psychosocial treatment increased the survival of breast cancer patients twice.

The kind of information, I have given you regarding cancer, cardiovascular disease and lifestyle change has been all but ignored by the medical profession at large. But, it does point to the way stress and the release of stress has on the management and treatment of both cancer and cardiovascular disease and probably most diseases of western society.

I therefore feel that powerful psychosocial changes need to be implemented for the general population if we are to create a more co-operative and healed society. Most doctors seek for a band-aid approach and instant cures.

The treatment of illness is considered more significant than prevention. There should be a new medicine based on the creation of health rather than the treatment of illness.

psycho neuro immunology
Altering a sick individual's state or mood and beliefs alters the individual's immune system. Mind technology is simply a modern way of applying ancient wisdom techniques. The field of psycho neuro immunology shows that the body is far more responsive to mental influence or mind than has been previously thought especially through neuro biofeedback where voluntary control can be established over virtually any biological process. Mind technology can enhance the feats that only ancient yogas used to be able to do. By producing profound relaxation and ways of releasing stress, mind tools free up the body's self-regulating, self-healing and self-regenerating power, and the body is given freedom to restore homeostasis and health.

mind and matter
A further way of stating this is to say that, in fact, mind and matter are essentially the same process. If we use this concept from a biological scientist's point of view, we would say that mind is but an epiphenomenon of the brain, and with appropriate mental exercises the brain can be enhanced and interconnections increased even though it is failing.