Evaluation of physicians and paramedical doctor's viewpoints on the family physician as a lost link in the medical system of Iran

92% of respondents concur that lack of awareness of this specialty in the community makes it very hard to establish such a model (Table 6). 

Table 6: The existing problems to establish a family physicians specialty.

 The existing problems to establish a
 family physician  specialty
Number %
 The lack of the culture of acceptance of this
 specialty in the community
164 92
 Lack of experienced lecturer in the field 145 81
 Deprival of the privilege on physician choice 22 12
 Job intervention with general practitioner 13 7

Out of the respondents to this question, (257 persons), 122 engaged in governmental system and 135 individuals worked in private sectors.

Seventy eight percent of the respondents were familiar with of the specialty named family physician (Table 7).

Table 7: The familiarity rate with family physicians specialty.

 Familiarity with family physician
Number %
 Yes 310 78
 No 83 21
 Total 393 100

Eighty five percent of the respondents believed that the family physicians should check for psychological, social and behavioral problems in addition to the physical problems whereas 1.8% considered them appropriate for physical problems checks only (Table 8).

Table 8: The family problems checked by a family physician

 The family problems checked by a
 family physicians
Number %
 Physical 7 1.8
 Physical, psychological 45 11.4
 Physical, Psychological, social, behavioral 335 85
 Physical, social 7 1.8
 Total 394 100