Knowledge Attitude and practice of Pap smear among local
School teachers in Sharjah District

* Age Years: 

* Level of Education of your husband:
1- Does not read or write
2- Primary
3- Preparatory
4- Secondary
5- University or equivalent

* Total Duration of marriage:
1) 1-5 years
2) 6-10 years
3) 11-15 years
4) 15-20 years
5) < 20 years

(1) Have you ever heard about pap smear
(taking a sample from the cervix).

1- Yes
2- No

(2) If Yes, from where or whom did you get to know about this cancer?

1- Family / Friends
2- Your Family physician Dr.
3- You're Gynecology Dr.
4- Nurse
5- News paper, Television. & Internet
6- Others (                         )

(3) Have you ever had a pap smear?

1- Yes
2- No

(4) Have you ever heard of cervical cancer?


(5) What do you think the risk factors which can lead to cervical cancer? 

1- Early age of marriage (>18)
2- Multiple partners
3- Smoking
5- Diet
6- Others (                     )

(6) Is it possible to cure this cancer?

1- Yes 
2- No

(7) Is it possible to detect cervical cancer before symptoms appear by pap smear?

1- Yes
2- No

(8) Is early detection of cervical cancer good for treatment outcome?

(9) If you were told that pap smear test is simple, painless procedure & good for early detection & treatment of cervical cancer, would you like to have one?

1- Yes (go to question # 11)
2- No (go to question # 10)

(10) If No, Why?

1- It may be painful.
2- I feel shy
3- I am healthy
4- My husband would not agree
5- Others (                         )

(11) If Yes, where do you like to have your pap smear taken?

1- Primary health care center.
2- Well women clinic in the hospital
3- Obstetric and Gynecology clinic in the Hospital.

(12) Who do you prefer to perform this test for you?

1- Family physician / GP.
2- Gynecologic Dr.
3- Maternal & child health Dr.
4- Private Dr.
5- Nurse