International Smoking Cessation Trial

Wonca Ad Hoc Task Force on Tobacco Cessation

The World Organization of Family Doctors is conducting an international benchmarking study on tobacco cessation activities. Professor Rick Botelho (see contact information below) and Dr Leo Pas (Belgium) developed this survey. The survey will assist member organizations to:

  • Identify their strengths and needs
  • Set priorities in selecting goals for improvement
  • Monitor their progress over time.

This survey addresses a broad range of issues: training, examinations, certification, and accreditation programs on tobacco cessation (over the past 3 years); cessation programs for practitioners who use tobacco; the implementation of guidelines; quality improvement and organization change issues; research programs; national policies and collaborative relationships; funding; networking; and typical work characteristics.

Each World Council member has been contacted to identify a key informant who is most knowledgeable about tobacco cessation activities in their organization. You can review this survey at Username is Wonca and password is kickbutt. Download the survey if you wish to complete it offline and fax or e-mail it to

The data will help to identify 'best practices' and common needs. The ad hoc committee will promote the use of this data to

  • Promote collaboration among member organizations
  • Encourage regional and international program committees to showcase ‘best practices’
  • Organize workshops at regional and international conferences to meet the needs of member organizations in working on their goals for improvement.

The survey will be repeated in 3 years to help member organizations assess their progress. The results of the survey will be made available on in English. Key informants are encouraged to publish an article or report in their own country and language about their initial findings and goals for improvement after completing the first phase of the survey.

Member Organizations are also encouraged to submit posters, papers and workshops about their tobacco cessation activities.  Regional and international Wonca programme committees are encouraged to appoint a tobacco subcommittee to help shape the format and selection of presentations that meet the needs of Member Organizations. 

Professor Rick Botelho
Co-chair of the Wonca Taskforce on Tobacco Cessation
Rochester, NY, USA