Strategies: A: Strategies for women's health/family planning (WH/FP) service supply - Volunteers and leaders from community will help to reduce the differences in WH/FP outcomes between urban and rural areas. - WH/FP services will be improved especially in deprived areas. - The role of the private sector in improving WH/FP services will be assessed and increased. - A specific approach will be developed for the risk groups in WH/FP. - The use of reversible contraceptive methods like IUD, oral contraceptives and condom will be increased. - Tubal ligation and vasectomy services will become widespread. - Application of Norplant will be expanded and be continuous. - For purposes of diversity, hormonal methods like long-acting medroxyprogesterone enjections will take part in the National Family Planning Program. - Postpartum and postabortus counselling and method providing services will be improved and postnatal and postabortus utilization rates of effective modern methods will be raised. B: WH/FP services infrastructure and management strategies - In every institution, committees including technical personnel will prepare nationwide programs and control their implemention. - A Population Planning Counsil or a representative organization will evaluate the international guidelines and their application. - Managers will be educated. - Data collecting, follow-up and evaluation systems will be improved. - A system for follow-up and evaluation of WH/FP services will be established. - Appointment regulations considering the Ministry of Health will be controlled. - Existing units will be improved and equipped and new care units will be built. - WH/FP clinics will be established. - Building and restoration of health care units will be financed by community assistance and participation. |
C: Logistics, finance and purchase strategies - IUD, pills and condoms will be purchased by the Ministry of Health, Social Insurance Institution (SSK), private sector and voluntary institutions via native producers or importers. Distribution and storing - Existing Contraceptive Logistic System will be improved and "Top up" will be established stepwise. - An inventory system will be developed. Minimum-maximum inventory system will be implemented in every distribution phase. - Administrative provinces will be supplied regularly by central stores and approved provinces with pilot studies will adopt the "Top up" system. Development of a Logistic Management Information System - The minimum information needed on contraceptive logistics will be determined and a system to obtain this will be developed. Logistic manpower education - Teams responsible for family planning supplies will be educated. Strategies about finance -The budget of the Mother and Child Health General Directory of the Ministry of Health will cover the basic costs of contraceptive material supply. THE STATUS OF WOMEN Problems Basic educational continuity and occupational success is limited by the traditional cultural structure and professional unconsciousness. This hinders the improvement in the status of women. Aim - To improve every stage related to women's status. |