Several research studies have
identified breastfeeding as
a significant factor for normal
infant growth and development.
Childhood obesity is the major
ailment seen in formula fed
infants which clearly
demonstrates the protective
role and effect of the exclusive
breastfeeding. The objective
of this study was to compare
the physical health among
exclusive breastfed and formula
fed infants. The aim of our
study was to find the impact
of Exclusive Breastfeeding
on childs physical growth
parameters among formula fed
and exclusive breastfed infants.
and Methods: This was
a cross-sectional study done
to compare the growth patterns
of breast fed and formula
fed babies of Duwakot. The
growth patterns of 81 exclusive
breastfed babies (39 male,
42 female) and 81 formula
fed babies (44 male, 37 female)
were compared. The weight
for age (WA), Height for age
(HA), and weight for Height
(WH) Z scores were calculated
in 6 to 24 months babies by
WHO Anthro Software Version
The prevalence of overweight
in exclusively breastfed infants
was 6.1% (> +2SD) and in
formula fed infants was 17.3%.
The prevalence of overweight
was significantly higher among
formula fed infants. The prevalence
of obesity in formula fed
infants was 2.5% (> +3SD)
and 1.2% in breastfed infants.
The study revealed that overweight
was significantly associated
with formula feeding but no
statistically significant
difference was observed in
the other physical parameters
like wasting, stunting and
underweight. In Breastfed
infants the mean Z score for
WA was -0.22, WH was 0.1 and
BMI was 0.06 whereas in formula
fed infants the mean Z score
for WA was 0.3, WH was 0.68
and BMI was 0.71.
The physical growth pattern
of exclusive breast fed and
formula fed Nepalese babies
showed overweight tendency
in formula fed babies as compared
to breastfed babies.
Exclusive breastfeeding; Formula
fed; Growth pattern.