Raynauds Phenomenon
(RP) is a common condition
seen in family medicine clinics.
Patients with RP are described
as having either a primary
or secondary process. Primary
RP is a benign condition and
is usually not associated
with underlying disease, whereas
secondary RP is associated
with underlying disease and
can be associated with significant
complications such as digital
ischemia, digital ulceration,
necrosis, scarring and secondary
infection. Thus, it is important
to differentiate between the
two types of RP.
primary RP is not caused by
an underlying condition it
can be aggravated by certain
conditions such as diabetes
and hypertension. This case
report highlights a case where
a patient presents with RP
and was subsequently diagnosed
with Latent Onset Type 1 Diabetes
Mellitus after investigations.
He was started on insulin
treatment and the subsequent
improvement in Hba1c resulted
in significant improvement
in his RP symptoms.
Raynauds phenomenon,
case report