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WFM / MEJFM July 2024

Cancer in Salahdeen Governorate during (2021-2023)

Huda Harith Mustafa Al Khateeb1, Saad Ali Saad2, Muthanna Mudher Jassem3, Sarab K. Abedalrahman4

(1) Family medicine specialist, Cancer management center Iraq
(2) Medical oncology specialist, Cancer management center, Iraq
(3) Surgical oncology specialist, Cancer management center, Iraq
(4) Consultant cancer screening, Cancer screening subspecialty, Cancer management center, Iraq

Corresponding author :
Sarab K. Abedalrahman
Cancer management center, Iraq

Received: May 2024. Accepted: June 2024; Published: July 1, 2024.Citation: Sarab K. Abedalrahman et al. Cancer in Salahdeen Governorate during (2021-2023). World Family Medicine. July 2024; 22(6): 36-43. DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2024.95257674


Cancer incidence and its burden is increasing in Asian countries, therefore it is important to know the commonest cancers and their burden in Iraq. This study aimed to know the commonest cancers in Salahdeen governorate with their pattern from 2021-2023. A retrospective study was conducted in Salahdeen cancer center in Salahdeen governorate. The data was collected from patients’ records and the cancer registration unit in the center. The data of cancer patients over 3 years (2021-2023) were reviewed and interpreted. The incidence rate increased from 2021 28.7/100000 in 2021, to 50.9/100000 adult persons in 2023. The total number of cases, old and new, that received chemotherapy, hormonal or immunological therapy, was 2,961 cases in 2021, followed by 3,316 cases in 2022, and 6,075 cases in 2023. The most common cases in 2022 were breast cancer 99(39.6%), followed by colon cancer 26(10.4%), lung cancer 19(7.6%), and ovarian cancer 12(4.8%). The incidence rate was breast cancer 11.3/100000, colon 3/100000, lung 2.2/100000, stomach 1.3/100000. The most common cases among female patients were breast cancer 98 (56.6%), ovarian cancer 12(6.9%), colon cancer 10(5.8%) and uterine cancer 10(5.8%). The most common cancers among male patients were colon cancer 16(20.8%), lung cancer 11(14.3%), prostate 10(13%) and stomach cancer 5(6.5%).

The cancer cases show an increasing pattern with increased burden, and the top cancers are little different from other governorates in Iraq.

Key words: cancer epidemiology, rate of cancer, cancer trend


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