Key features of depression and its management in general practice.

Ebtisam… Main Points

Recurrent depression

1. Possible indications for long-term preventative treatment are:
- a minimum of 2 depressive episodes within 5 years
- 3 prior episodes
- a severe psychotic depression
- a serious suicide attempt

2. Long-term treatment should be continued for at least 3 to 5 years. Some patients may require lifelong antidepressant therapy.

3. Antidepressants of all classes have been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the frequency of recurrence of major depression.

4.Lithium has been demonstrated to be effective in reducing the frequency of recurrence of major depression.

5. Continuing the antidepressant at the acute dosage provides greater protection from recurrence.

Chronic depression

6. Risk factors for chronic depression include concurrent disabling medical disease, use of depressant pharmacologic agents, and the excessive use of alcohol and sedative-hypnotic agents.

7. Chronic depression is associated with increased familial loading for depression, disabled spouses, and deaths of immediate family members.

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