Key features of depression and its management in general practice.

"..I had this once before.."

Which of the following statements are true in relation to long-term maintenance treatment for recurrent major depression?
1. Two depressive episodes within 5 years is an indication for long-term medications.
2. Long-term treatment should be continued for at least 3 years.
3. Antidepressants of all classes are effective in the long-term prevention of depression.
4. Lithium is effective in the long-term prevention of depression.
5. A reduced maintenance dose of 30 to 50 percent below the acute dosage is as effective as a full acute dose in the long-term prevention of depression.

1. Two depressive episodes within 5 years is an indication for long-term medications.

Author's answer: True.

Indications for long-term treatment are:
- 2 depressive episodes within 5 years,
- 3 prior episodes,
Severe psychotic depression or serious suicide attempt alone, may well justify commencing long-term medications (1).

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