Key features of depression
and its management in general practice.
not like I was before.."
of the following statements are true of Ellen's presentation? |
1. Ellen fulfills the criteria of major depressive illness. |
Ellen's history of gradual onset over several weeks or months is characteristic
of major depression. |
A past history of depression is an essential diagnostic criteria for
major depression. |
A consecutive generational family history, such as occurs in Ellen's
history, is an essential diagnostic criteria for major depression.
5. Major depression is more common in men than women. |
Ellen fulfils the criteria of major depressive illness.
Author's answer: True
The DSM-IV classification divides depression into three categories: 1)
major depressive illness 2) dysthymia, and 3) depression not otherwise
The diagnosis of major depressive disorder attempts to set a minimal threshold
for significant depression based on a specified number of items and their
temporal patterns.
DSM-IV criteria requires the presence of
1) a dysphoric mood or decreased interest in usual activities and
2) at least four additional classic depressive signs and symptoms, that
is: loss of interest or pleasure, significant appetite loss or gain, weight
loss or gain, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation,
fatigue or loss of energy, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt,
impaired thinking or concentration, indecisiveness, or suicidal thoughts,
3) which must be sustained for at least 2 weeks, and
4) cannot be explained by another process known to cause depressive symptoms.
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