Key features of depression and its management in general practice.

"..I'm not like I was before.."

Which of the following questions are true of treatment for major depression?
1. Patients with major depression should be managed, in part, with supportive psychotherapy provided by their general practitioner.
2. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), may be considered as first-line treatment in patients with first onset major depression.
3. Psychotherapy alone is recommended as a first-line treatment in patients presenting with a recurrent episode of major depression
4. Most patients with major depression should be treated with a combination of antidepressant medications and some form of psychotherapy.
5. The criterion for antidepressant use is evidence of impaired function in work or relationships.
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5. The criterion for antidepressant use is evidence of impaired function in work or relationships.

Author's answer: True

All patients with major depression should be considered for antidepressant pharmacotherapy. A useful criterion is evidence of impaired function in their work role or relationships.

Other factors that may suggest the use of antidepressants include incomplete response to psychotherapy alone, a patient request for antidepressants, chronic symptoms (two years or more), previous episodes of depression, a family history of depression, and previous response to antidepressants.

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