Key features of depression and its management in general practice.

"..I'm not like other people.."

1. Symptoms of dysthymia may be absent for long periods of time.
2. Dysthymic disorder usually starts as a sequelae to a well-defined major depressive episode.
3. In dysthymic disorder, depression is more subjective than objective i.e. symptoms tend to outnumber signs.
4. Dysthymic disorder typically leads to marked impairment of functioning and multiple hospitalisations.
5. People with dysthymic disorder emphasise work at the exclusion of family life.
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5. People with dysthymic disorder emphasise work at the exclusion of family life.

Author's answer: True

The dedication of persons with dysthymic disorder to work has been suggested to be an overcompensation and a defence against their battle with depressive disorganisation and inertia, which results in marital friction.