Key features of depression and its management in general practice.
  "..Everything is ok in
that department.."

Which of the following statements are true in relation of his ongoing
1. Sertraline is safe and effective for depression following myocardial infarction.
2. Ali has a 50% chance of responding to another class of antidepressant.
3. Ali has a > 50% chance of responding to ECT.
4. Ali is unlikely to respond to augmentation of antidepressant treatment with lithium.
5. When switching Ali between SSRIs and other antidepressants, it is important to allow adequate time for drug clearance.
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4. Ali is unlikely to respond to augmentation of antidepressant treatment with lithium.

Author's answer: False.

In cases of failure to respond to adequate antidepressant therapy, augmentation of antidepressant treatment with lithium has a response rate of up to 50 percent.