Key features of depression and its management in general practice.
Ali … Main Points

1. Scientific evidence for effectiveness of antidepressant medication in subsyndromal depression is lacking.

2. Subsyndromal depressions are associated with increased risk of major depression, physical disability, and medical illness.

3. Depression is an independent risk factor for developing ischaemic heart disease (IHD) in men but not in women, and if untreated, increases the mortality and morbidity of IHD.

4. In cases of failure to respond to adequate antidepressant therapy:
- 50% will respond to a change to another class of agent
- 50 - 80% of patients will respond to ECT
- up to 50% will respond to augmentation with lithium

5. When stopping antidepressants, tapering is generally not necessary if usual therapeutic
doses have been used (1).

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