Background: Sickle
cell diseases (SCD) are severe
inflammatory processes in
the vasculature mainly on
capillary endothelium since
they are the main distributors
of hardened red blood cells
into the tissues. On the other
hand, aging and male gender
alone may be the most significant
underlying risk factors of
the systemic atherosclerosis
since male gender lives about
seven years shorter than female
gender worldwide.
All patients with the SCD
were included into the study.
The study included 222 males
and 212 females with similar
mean ages (30.8 versus 30.3
years, p>0.05). Smoking
(p<0.001), alcohol (p<0.001),
disseminated teeth losses
(p<0.001), ileus (p<0.001),
cirrhosis (p<0.001), leg
ulcers (p<0.001), digital
clubbing (p<0.001), coronary
heart disease (CHD) (p<0.05),
chronic renal disease (CRD)
(p<0.05), chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) (p<0.001),
and stroke (p<0.05) were
all higher in male gender.
Interestingly, mean ages of
stroke (33.5 years), COPD
(33.6 years), clubbing (35.4
years), CHD (35.7 years),
cirrhosis (37.0 years), and
CRD (39.4 years) were the
highest among the other atherosclerotic
Smoking, alcohol, disseminated
teeth losses, ileus, cirrhosis,
leg ulcers, digital clubbing,
CHD, CRD, COPD, and stroke-like
atherosclerotic risk factors
or terminal endpoints were
all higher in male gender
with the SCD. Since aging
alone may be the major associated
factor of the systemic atherosclerosis,
stroke, COPD, digital clubbing,
CHD, cirrhosis, and CRD may
be the terminal endpoints
of systemic atherosclerotic
processes in human body since
the mean ages of the above
pathologies were the highest
among the other atherosclerotic
consequences in the SCD.
words: Sickle cell diseases,
atherosclerosis, stroke, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease,
digital clubbing, coronary
heart disease, cirrhosis,
chronic renal disease