Versus Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Hazim Mohammed
alsufyani 1, Mohammed Adel Mohammed
Shami 2, Ahmed abdelazim abdelaziz
haty 3, Mohammed Mutlaq Hamdan Althobaiti
4, Ayman Khalid Kurdi 5, Ahmed Faisal
Siraj 6, Abdulaziz M Althaqafi 7,
Hussain A Albarqi 8
(1) Consultant of Adult and Pediatric
Urology, Department of Urology,
King Faisal medical complex, Taif(2)
Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery,
Urology Department, King Abdulaziz
Specialist Hospital, Taif(3) Higher
academic degree : Doctorate degree
of medicine, Urology department,
King Faisal Medical Complex
(4) Bachelor in Medicine and Surgery,
Urology department, King faisal
medical complex
(5) Bachelors Degree of Medicine,
Urology Department King Saud Bin
Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, King
Faisal Complex, Taif
(6) Bachelor of medicine and surgery,
Taif University College of Medicine,
Makkah Region
(7) Urology resident, Department
of urology, King Faisal medical
complex, Taif
(8) Bachelor in Medicine & Surgery,
Urology Department, King Faisal
Medical complex, Saudi Arabia
Corresponding author:
Hazim Mohammed alsufyani
Consultant of Adult and Pediatric
Urology, Department of Urology,
King Faisal medical complex, Taif,
Saudi Arabia
Received: July 2023. Accepted:
August 2023; Published: September
1, 2023.Citation: Hazim Mohammed
alsufyani et al. Robot-Assisted
Versus Laparoscopic Radical Nephrectomy:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
World Family Medicine. August 2023;
21(8): 55-69. DOI: 10.5742/MEWFM.2023.95256180

Background: For the
treatment of renal cell carcinoma,
robotic-assisted radical nephrectomy
(RARN) has been developed
as an alternative to laparoscopic
radical nephrectomy (LRN)
(RCC). The objective of this
systematic review and meta-analysis
was to compare the perioperative
results of RARN and LRN in
the treatment of RCC.
An exhaustive search of electronic
databases from their inception
until May 2023 was done. The
meta-analysis comprised nine
trials with a total of 13,676
individuals who underwent
either RARN or LRN. Estimated
blood loss, length of hospital
stay, conversion rate, transfusion
rate, and perioperative complications
were evaluated as surgical
The meta-analysis revealed
no statistically significant
demographic differences between
the two surgical techniques.
There were no significant
differences between RARN and
LRN in terms of predicted
blood loss, length of hospital
stay, conversion rate, or
transfusion rate. The meta-analysis
of complications revealed
no significant differences
between the two surgical methods
for intraoperative or postoperative
This comprehensive review
and meta-analysis suggests
that RARN and LRN had comparable
perioperative results when
used to treat RCC. Although
RARN may give prospective
benefits in the form of enhanced
visibility and dexterity,
the clinical significance
of these benefits remains
unknown. Further high-quality
studies with long-term follow-up
are required to further comprehend
the possible advantages and
disadvantages of RARN against
LRN in the treatment of RCC.
words: Robot assisted
laparoscopic radical nephrectomy,