This issue of the journal brings together a number of papers
from different countries in the Middle-East. The papers include
review, and relevant research. It also provides some insight
into the community and well being.
As editors we are pleased with the first year of publication.
As we reflect over this initial year, the number of manuscript
received was more than expected and the quality of these manuscripts
were excellent. The reviewers did a great job in reviewing the
manuscripts in record time and in helping good paper with poor
writing skills to be published
One of our early goal was to be efficient and quick in our
review process. Our average turnaround time from initial submission
to initial editorial response is 21 days overall. We are greatly
helped by your support, shared enthusiasm, and patience. In
addition to the wisdom remarkable support of our publisher.
During the last one year the journal covered different issues
from the perspective of clinicians, patients, families, and
The paper by Farahbod , and Dadkhah, discussed the impact of
was conducted in an attempt to compare eye-hand coordination,
hand-hand coordination and speed of hand skills (right and left)
in two groups of children; one receiving educational play, and
the other a non treatment control group. A significant relationship
was found between speed in right-hand skills (P£0/04)
and age, while speed in left-hand skills was related to gender
(P£0/02). Clinical implications of these findings for
occupational therapy are discussed.