The three
legs to health and Wellness
Nutrition is a key determinant of health
Eliminate age
accelerating, cognitive depleting and life shortening habits,
e.g. quitting smoking, drinking alcohol in moderation, wearing
a seat belt, avoid inhaling second-hand smoke, avoid breathing
polluted air, avoid exposure to ultra violet rays, avoid eating
processed food, avoid being exposed to X Rays, avoid being exposed
to low levels of electromagnetic fields such as those produced
by high power wires, computers, clock radios, hair dryers, electric
shavers, etc.
Weight Loss Over 50% of Australians
are either obese or over weight and are inactive. It is essential
to eat a low fat, complex carbohydrate, high fibre diet, replete
with at least 40 varieties of different kinds of foods a week,
including a lot of vegetables, salads and fruits with over 1
and half litres of distilled or filtered water a day. Also,
it is important to eat a omega 3 unsaturated fatty acids of
fish oils with plenty of fish dishes, or at least 3 fish dishes
a week. The fish chosen should be especially salmon, sardine,
mackerel or tuna.
Establish a regular programme of exercise.
The latest research shows that incremental physical activity
is as important as sustained exercise, as long as e.g. one hour
of walking a day. This will help to enhance the functioning
of the cardiovascular system and decrease fat.