A good way of measuring activity, is
to use a pedometer which is set to a 1 metre stride and to ensure
there are at least 7 and half thousand metres or strides done
a day. If a person does 10,000 strides this is guaranteed to
lose weight and fat. There can be a pyramid of exercise where
incremental activity of walking is increased to 30 minutes of
accumulated, moderate intense activity on most days, and then
to regular vigorous activity 3 to 4 days a week. This is on
top of the pyramid and includes the other components already
Control excessive free radical reactions.
Left unchecked, free radicals contribute to aging and age-related
disease. A variety of antioxidant and nutrients like vitamins
A,C, and E, the mineral selenium and other substances like proanthocyadin,
licopene, lipoic acid, green tea extract and N-acetyl Cystene
can inhibit free radical reactions and help slow the aging process.
Maintain a nutritional supplementation
programme, which includes at least a multi nutrient formula,
a multi mineral formula and a phyto nutrient formula.
Use a nutritional, hormonal supplement
dependent on the degree of cognitive defect. Such a formula
would include melatonin and DHEA as well as growth hormone.
Megabrain nutrients or Smart drugs
- The use of nootropic to boost the
intuitive areas of the brain, i.e. pariceteman.
- The use of cholonergic nutrient to
stimulate activity of acetylcholine(1)DMAE (2)phosphatidyl
serine or phosphatidyl choline.
- Use of cerebrovasordilators to increase
blood flow and therefore oxygen flow to the brain, e.g. gingko
Relaxation exercises including connected breathing, yogic
stretching, yogic postures, autogenic relaxation, and guided
visualization for relaxation of the parasympathetic nervous
system, to decrease stress reaction and enhance relaxation.
Chanting meditation. To boost
up the immune system by stimulating the biomeridians of the
body and also to increase relaxation and release stress .Chant
"Nam Myoho Renge Kyo".
Encouragement of brain wave attunement
to alpha or theta through neuro biofeedback machine, neuro
data software, sound light machine, sound light bio feedback,
subliminal tape recordings.