Conventional medicine is, in my opinion, a mirror of society, representing in its practice, more than any other profession, the mechanistic and technological aspects of society. It also mirrors the repressive, authoritarian, restrictive conditioning aspects of society. This is because there is a mutual conspiracy between doctor and client in that the patients expect to be told what to do. They see themselves as having no part of play in the therapy and see the illness as separate from them. In this conspiracy, ethical and legal responsibility is placed on the doctor to cure.

Illness, diseased organs and systems are treated without regard to the patient who wants instant cures, like he wants instant food. Treatments are mainly allopathic - with experiments made often on live animals to prove the efficacy of modern drugs. Despite the so-called proof of efficacy, a certain percentage of hospital beds are consistently peopled with individuals with iatrogenic illness (illness caused by the drugs themselves). 16% of patients who are treated in hospitals either come out worse or are deceased due to medical mismanagement. Despite the glaring inadequacies of the biomedical system, governments refuse to do anything about it. In fact in the United States, the cost of medical care is so huge - it is almost unmanageable.

The pharmaceutical industry is a huge commercial institution - very profitable to governments. Tranquilizers and sedatives are the most abused drugs and also I would add, antibiotics. We still do not know the long term effects of the use of antibiotics - particularly on the immune system of the body. The G.P.'s are the unpaid servants of the pharmaceutical industry. In the western world apart from the United States, their pay is insufficient to give them the opportunity to spend time on preventative medicine.

They are forced to prescribe instant cures or allopathic bandaids which have no bearing on truly healing the individuals they see.

We need a profound renaissance in western medical care which follows Osler's dictum. Osler, the brilliant physician who lived a hundred years ago said that medicine is an art which considers the constitution of the patient and has principles of action and reason in each case [Plato]. We have to bring back value and quality into medicine and that means value and quality in both the lives of the doctors as well as the patients they treat. So many hospitals treat morbidity like generals deal with civilian casualties in war i.e. collateral damage.

"reculer pour mieux sauter"
We have to create a "reculer pour mieux sauter" to revalue the human psyche and human being and to bring commitment, compassion and caring back into hospital wards and general practice. This means that doctors need to spend more time with their patients and patients need to take some responsibility for their general health.

The enormous advances in technology have created a user-friendly society where it would seem that all our desires can be satisfied by the press of a button or the flick of a switch. It is a society geared to the satisfaction of our desires and the fulfillment of our addiction potential.