The flexing of our technological muscle
seems to give us more domination over nature and science seems
to be discovering the very nature of our essential biological
makeups. Instant food, instant communication via mobile phone
or Internet, fast transport, and robotic services in the home
and at work. We seem to have everything to the extent that our
physical activity has become limited as more and more things
are being done for us by technology.
This seeming dreamlike utopia is the
veneer or the tip of the iceberg because underneath we see a
society alienated and out of touch with an environment that
is being destroyed to such an extent that we are losing the
biodiversity of species on the planet. Globally and nationally
we see the results of our labours including increased social
disintegration, failure to cure the degenerative diseases of
our time, an increase in wars on a global scale, and with the
mass of population, a vast increase in stress and depression
to the extent that it has been predicted that by the year 2020,
one in three people will be suffering from depression.
The problems of overpopulation, the global
military machine, and the destruction of living and nonliving
resources on the planet were never properly discussed at the
UN conferences including the Rio Summit in 1992. Despite this
constant need to control nature and exploit nature, we have
no understanding of the effect of destruction of the finite
resources on our planet, and economic rationalism compels us
towards an imperative which is self destructive.
In the past, people relied on what is
now considered to be hidden or unproven potential in human beings
to heal themselves through mind over matter. Thus the Shamans
had the ability to heal by channeling the life force to heal
themselves and their patients. The Yogi was able to master his
bodily functions through a conscious biofeedback that enabled
him to monitor his health. The Buddhist Monk could change the
phenomena of life around him and pray for the wellness of all
beings, and send out loving kindness. There was a knowledge
of the interconnectedness between the person and the environment,
and with the advent of the thinker Descartes, in Western religion,
there was a division between God and Man, i.e. Deus ex Machina,
so God became separate and objective.
Science became pre-eminent. William Harvey
discovered the anatomy of the heart and circulation and the
whole body was mapped with precision so medicine became objectified
and people were classified as organs and systems. People became
diseases. Thus there is the heart victim, and the cancer victim,
and the soul and the essential spirituality within the individual
was lost to medicine, and we now have a situation whereby modern
medicine reduces everything to illnesses and systems, and forgets
that wellness is an integration between the body, the mind,
and the environment.