5.3% of our subjects had declared that they had been diagnosed as DM patient. But in TURDEP study it is estimated that DM prevalence is about 7.1% and impaired glucose tolerance is 7.6% and it is also confirmed about obesity as an independent risk factor in Turkish adults for DM and glucose intolerance However these results points out that there could be undiagnosed DM patients among our subjects so DM might have a higher odds ratio than observed. In a recent study which is based on 11 European population surveys it has been found that 1kg/m² increase in BMI is associated with an overall increase in diabetes of 12% in men and 10% in women and impaired glucose tolerance 7% in both sexes. Besides, in our study we were unable to detect the subjects with the impaired glucose tolerance so this important point might be also masked.

This study may have some limitations in data gathering like all cross-sectional studies. While smoking and alcohol usage confirmed by valid objective scales, subjects had declared the exercise frequency and duration subjectively that might have an effect on our results as the sedentary life style was defined according to them. It is imperative that strategies be developed to identify, treat, and ultimately prevent obesity. In the coming years new management and therapeutic strategies for obesity will likely emerge. Both existing strategies and those are developed in the future will need to be studied in randomized clinical trials that their impact on morbidity and mortality outcomes in the setting of obesity can be rationally assessed.


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