In a linear regression model, the duration
of the smoking and Fagerstrom nicotine dependence scores had
no relation with BMI, WHR or WC. Alcohol use didn't make a significant
difference between anthropometrical measurements also. Only
male heavy drinkers (Elias Alcohol Consumption test, fifth level)
had wider WHR than others (p=0.024).
In this cross-sectional study, 21.7% of the males and 31.0%
of the females have BMI=30 kg/m² and an additional 43.4%
of the males and 28.8% of the females were over weighted. Android
obesity was also very frequent in both sexes. In a self reported
study it has been reported that obesity prevalance is nearly
10% and overweight prevalance is 36.6% and 25.6% among males
and females among in 15 European Union countries. Also in different
studies around the world whether designed rational or national,
the obesity prevalence has been found ranging between 1 and
59% while overweight prevelence has been found ranging between
4 and 34% in different countries. Our results regarding the
mean anthropometric parameters are confirmed the results of
TURDEP study while the obesity ratio in females was lower than
TEKHARF study results. The age of studied population cause the
difference as in TEKHARF study, main priority was to identify
the cardiovascular risk factors, so the study population was
chosen over 30 years old while in TURDEP the subjects are chosen
=20 years old. In this study one of most important epidemiologic
risk factor for obesity was the age. In TEKHARF study it is
estimated that the weight gain ratio is much faster until the
age of 50-59 years in Turkish female adults and have a peak
at 60-69 years.
The age group (18-65 years) of our study
population may be the explanation of the low rates of obesity
in females. Female gender also was found as an obesity risk
factor in this study like two of these previous studies.
In many segments of the society, obesity is considered to be
the result of an individual's failure to exercise self-control
over patterns of physical activity and eating. One of the most
important results of this study is the dominance of the sedentary
life style among our subjects. A small percentage of the subjects
who have regular exercise perform it three times a week while
only a few of them perform at least 30 minutes as recommended.
Apart from controlling weight gain, one of the main health promotion
activities should be about a qualitative and quantitative regular
Another interesting point in our results
was the alcohol usage had no effect on obesity. We believe obesity
can be dependent on the amount and duration of the alcohol that
is used. Social alcohol usage might have no effect on obesity
as in our study heavy male drinkers according to the Elias alcohol
test, had android obesity risk while there was no heavy female
drinker at all. Smoking is not a risk factor for obesity while
the duration and intensity of smoking test had not an important
effect on anthropometric measurements. As it is confirmed in
TEKHARF study, mean BMI, WC, and WHR measurements of the smokers
are lower than the non-smokers.