Mother Health in Turkey

   The pill   IUD  Condom   Other reversible modern   Sterilization   Withdrawal   Other traditional 
Western region 13.5 20.5 14.3 2.2 2.6 44.0 2.8
Eastern region 17.9 22.5 13.2 3.6 2.6 37.5 2.8
Southern region 10.5 26.8 13.3 2.7 3.0 41.3 2.3
Northern region 12.3 13.5          
Urban areas 13.8 22.5 16.0 3.0 2.7 39.3 2.8
Rural areas 14.3 18.1 11.2 2.5 2.5 49.7 1.5

Table 5 Distribution rates of contraceptive methods by region and residence, 1998 

Mother's age at birth being <20 and >35, birth interval being <2-3 years, and number of deliveries being >4 are risk factors related to maternal and child mortality. It is shown that these risk factors are not rare in Turkey . 

Mother health and family planning services:

Considering the increase in the population of reproductive women aged 15-49, the prevalance of mother and child health problems and the effect of the health status of mother health on the child health, it can be seen that specific programs for mother health should have a priority in Turkey. Regarding the problem as a "women's health" problem rather than only a "mother's health" problem is both a necessary and a scientific obligation. With this purpose a "Women's Health Strategy Plan" was prepared and implemented by the Ministry of Health with the participation from various sectors . Main titles of this plan are:

1- To decrease maternal and perinatal mortality by 50%.
2- To increase the rate of modern methods to 70% in the group of users.
3- To determine all pregnants and provide them with antenatal care.
4- To ensure healthy delivery conditions for all births.
5- To reduce the differences in health care provision between regions.

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