Key features of depression and its management in general practice.
  "..Everything is ok in
that department.."

Which of the following statements are true in relation of this presentation?
1. Discontinuation of an SSRI is not associated with a withdrawal syndrome.
2. Withdrawal of an SSRI may cause nausea and vomiting.
3. Withdrawal of an SSRI may cause life-threatening illness.
4. Tapering may be necessary when stopping an SSRI.
5. The withdrawal syndrome of an SSRI may be difficult to distinguish from major depression.
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4. Tapering may be necessary when stopping an SSRI.

Author's answer: True

Tapering is generally not necessary at therapeutic doses (1). Patients receiving higher doses, those with a prior history of discontinuation symptoms and those who develop withdrawal symptoms when the antidepressant is ceased, may require tapering over 4 to 7 days or longer if discontinuation symptoms are severe.