Nada A. Abahussain, PhD
From School Health Clinic in Al-Khobar,
School Health Services, Ministry of Education, Saudi
Dr. Nada Abahussain
P.O. Box 2211, Al-Khobar 31952, Saudi Arabia.
Tel: +966505805061. Fax: +966(3)8675424.

Key Words: Intestinal parasitic
infection, Expatriates, Saudi Arabia.

Background and Objective: The Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia is considered to be one of the countries
with a high number of expatriates. The importance of
this study lays in its approach to tackle a significant
issue, which is the health of expatriate unskilled laborers
who are serving the society in very vital activities
such as baby-sitting, cooking and cleaning. This study
was aimed at determining the prevalence of intestinal
parasites among expatriate workers in Al-Khobar, Saudi
Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional
study was conducted among expatriate workers in Al-Khobar,
a major city in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia.
Using systematic sampling (1 in 10 files), a sample
of 1,019 medical files was studied.
Results: The results showed that
the prevalence of parasitic infection is 31.4%. 22.3%
are single infection and 9.1% with multiple infections
(double and triple and quadruple). Hookworm, Trichuris
trichiura, and Ascaris lumbricoides were the most common
infections in all nationalities. Parasites were found
to be more prevalent among Indians followed by Indonesians,
Filipinos then Sri Lankans.
Conclusion: The prevalence rate
found in this study was high enough to merit a spotlight
on it as a problem. Health education should be increased
to raise awareness of the society about such a health

In spite of a great development in healthcare,
the problem of parasitic infections continues to be
acute. WHO estimated that more than 2,000 million people
are infected by schistosomiasis and soil-transmitted
helminths (STH) worldwide, of which more than 300 million
suffer from associated severe morbidity. STH infections
are widely distributed in tropical and subtropical areas,
especially in poor populations (1).
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has experienced
a rapid socio-economic development in recent years.
The improved standards of living have led to a large
influx of expatriate workers from developing countries
and hence, one should expect parasitic infections among
them (2).
It is obliged by the Saudi Health authorities
that the expatriate workers are infection-free and physically
fit to avoid disease transmission, as most of the workers
are housemaids, food-handlers, private cooks and baby-sitters.
The expatriate labor, largely coming from
Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines, India and Bangladesh,
could be expected to have been infection with various
types of parasites. They are coming from endemic areas
where intestinal parasites are becoming a major health
problem in their countries (3, 4).
Studies done on the expatriates working
in Saudi Arabia reported different prevalence rates.
It varies between 55.7% and 41.4% in Riyadh (2, 5) and
40.3% in Jeddah (6) and 46.5% in Abha (7).
Studies done on the food handlers reported
14% prevalence in Al-Medinah (8) and 7.56% in Dammam
and Al-Khobar (9).
The prevalence of parasitic infections
among expatriates was higher than in Saudi patients
(5, 6).
This study was aimed at determining the
prevalence of intestinal parasites among expatriate
workers in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.
The regulations in Saudi Arabia require
that foreign labor should be subjected to medical check-ups
to ensure medical fitness and to be screened for infectious
diseases. The screening techniques involve laboratory
examination for intestinal parasites where fresh saline
as well as Lugol iodide stool preparations are made.
The material for this retrospective cross-sectional
study was the medical file of foreign labourers who
attended for entry medical check-up.
Sampling Procedure:
It was estimated at the time of the study (1994) that
the total annual medical examinations of 12,156 were
done at the primary health care centers in the Eastern
Province of Saudi Arabia. A sample of 1,019 files was
studied. This represents about 8% of all files. This
sampling procedure was a systematic sample of 1 in 10
Methods of Data Collection:
A checklist was used to record data. The checklist included
variables such as age, sex, nationality, type of work,
pregnancy test, gonorrhoea tests, medical fitness, pus
cells, type of parasites, and treatment dispensed.
Statistical Methods:
The statistical analysis operations have been executed
by an IBM personal computer using WHO's EPI-% statistical
package. Frequency distributions and cross-tabulation
of data was carried out.
Table 1 illustrates
some socio-demographic characteristics of the sample,
the majority of which were females and their main job
was housemaid. Sri Lankans formed the bulk of the labourers
- 45%.
A small number of the studied sample,
2.5% was found medically unfit and were rejected. They
were either pregnant, HIV carriers or suffering from
venereal disease.
Table 2 illustrates
the prevalence of intestinal parasites in the sample
studied. The prevalence of parasitic infection is 31.4%.
22.3% are single infections and 9.1% with multiple infections.
Hookworm, Trichuris trichiura, and Ascaris
lumbricoides were the most common infections in all
nationalities. The distribution of all parasitic infections
found is listed in Table 3. Table
4 represents the pattern of double, triple and quadruple
Table 5 illustrates
the distribution of parasites according to nationalities.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered
to be one of the countries with a high number of expatriates.
The general population statistics of 2004 show that
27.1% of the population are foreigners (10). A large
number of them are unskilled labourers of both sexes
who came from tropical and subtropical countries where
low socio-economic levels are present along with poor
medical care (4).
The importance of this study lays in its
approach to tackle a significant issue, which is the
health of expatriate unskilled laborers who are serving
the society in very vital activities such as baby-sitting,
cooking and cleaning.
Females formed the majority of the study
population. This is due to the fact that most Saudi
families favor female housemaids over males for cultural,
religious and traditional reasons.
The results of this study support the
assumption that those labourers came from a low medical
health care system, where parasites are found in about
one-third of the total cases examined and this is considered
a high rate. This is lower than the other studies done
in expatriates in Riyadh (2, 5) and that done in Jeddah
(6) and Abha (7). But it is higher than that found in
other Gulf regions (23% in Al-Ain, UAE) (11). Lower
prevalence in a previous study done in the same area
of Al-Khobar (9) may be related to the differences in
the samples used (gender, nationality and type or work).
Two-thirds of the positive cases were
singly infected and the other third with multiple infections.
The majority of them are carrying some of the most common
detected parasites: Hookworm, Trichuris trichiura, and
Ascaris lumbricoides. This finding agrees with the fact
that the three parasites are geo-related and might be
carried by the same patient (12). It is consistent with
other studies conducted in Saudi Arabia in different
geographical areas, where such three parasites were
the most common among expatriates examined (6, 7, 11).
The presence of multiple infections highlights
the need for thorough investigation for cases that show
one type of infection. There was an interesting relationship
between the nationality and the type of parasite. Parasites
were found to be more prevalent among Indians followed
by Indonesians, Filipinos then Sri Lankans. Ascaris
lumbricoides was common among Indonesians. Trichuris
trichiura and Entamoeba histolytica were the most common
among Filipinos and Hookworm among Sri Lankans. This
is similar to findings shown in UAE (11).
On the other hand, the presence of certain
parasites like Enterobius vermicularis, even though
it was found in low rate, is alarming. The transmission
of such parasites occurs easily (by scratching the anus
region and lack of personal hygiene). Autoinfection
is common with this parasite (13).
It is also documented that the presence
of even nonpathogenic amoebae in the stool indicates
a reservoir of infection and low standard of hygiene
among the population (14). That was emphasised by another
study, which showed that an infection with E. histolytica
and E. dispar was significantly associated with an Entamoeba
coli infection (15). That was noticed in this study
where there was low prevalence of E. coli in nearly
all nationalities.
Global migration patterns will continue
to promote transmission of human intestinal parasites
in the foreseeable future because untreated or incompletely
treated infected individuals can serve as roving reservoirs
of infection for long-lived parasites (16). To maintain
a low prevalence of such infestations, the government
of Saudi Arabia covers the cost of the medical examination,
laboratory tests, treatment and medicines. These costs
are high, bearing in mind that costs of international
medical health care are rising all over the world.
Treatment is dispensed free for the infected
cases. Metronidazole is highly effective against E.
histolytica and Giardia lamblia.
It is concluded that high prevalence of
parasites among expatriates should be considered as
a pointer to a health problem that may exert its effect
on the Saudi society due to the nature of the expatriates'
It is recommended that health education
should be increased to raise the awareness of the society
about such health problems. Among the ways to control
this problem is the immediate check-up upon arrival
of labor.
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