Lesley Pocock
Publisher - World CME
medi+WORLD International
572 Burwood Road Hawthorn 3122 Australia
+61 (3) 9819 1224; Fax: +61 (3) 9819 3269
Email: lesleypocock@mediworld.com.au
This Continuing Medical
Education (CME) and Continuing Professional Development
(CPD) service for global primary care doctors, was launched
by medi+WORLD International, September 2005. It is available
free of charge to all doctors in World Bank designated
'Low Income' countries and heavily discounted for 'Middle
Income' countries.(1)
medi+WORLD International are leading global
medical education strategists, for both primary care
doctors and specialists. Most education solutions use
ICT (Information and Communications Technology) with
multimedia CD as the preferred platform.
An ongoing project with CCORE (Collaboration
for Cancer Outcomes Research and Evaluation) and the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the United
Nations, has just completed five pilot country trials
in Pakistan, Egypt, Argentina, Malaysia and the Philippines.
This educational project was financed by the IAEA to
overcome a world shortage of oncologists and to lift
the skills of often, untrained oncologists, working
in developing nations. Multimedia CD was chosen as the
current best platform for international education and
the project involved ground-breaking work in the fields
of logic, technology, and educational methods.
At the end of the trial period, the project
was deemed a success by the IAEA and the work will now
be translated to further its reach.
The appalling lack of quality medical
education where it is most needed, was highlighted by
the project, and many lessons were learned regarding
the delivery of distance medical education.
medi+WORLD International, who are primarily
publishers of quality assured continuing medical education
and continuing professional development programs for
primary care doctors have used this experience to provide
a full CME/CPD program, online, and on CD, for global
primary care doctors. All education is written as international
medical education from the outset. Best practices are
spelt out, but where possible, alternatives suggested
for practitioners who may not have access to high-end
facilities or therapeutics. Eighty percent of presentations
in general practice have been covered at launch, with
programs under development to cover the remainder.
All programs are also written for those
with English as a second language (ESL) and respect
all cultures, religions, and sexes.
Education is in the form of interactive
case presentations including all relevant tests, radiological
images, pathology. Education includes psycho-social
issues of both doctor and patient behaviours. Case presentations
are complemented by over 90 medical training (digitised)
videos in a wide range of topics.
At launch, several large countries, on
the free list, are looking to use it as their formal
CME or FMP education, and this is facilitated by inbuilt
tracking and scoring 'behind the scenes', with direct
electronic reporting.
World CME has an international advisory
board drawn from all regions of the world and is a genuine
endeavour, by all involved, to provide parity of resources
for all doctors and their patients.
Middle East, Southern Asia and African
countries that qualify for free access to the site include,
among others: Azerbaijan, India, Ghana, Zimbabwe, Djibouti,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyz Republic,
Uganda, Nepal, Cote D'Ivoire, Rwanda, Chad, Mozambique,
Tajikistan, Kenya, Eritrea, Mali, Nigeria, Zambia, Niger,
Yemen - Rep, Madagascar, Congo - Rep, Ethiopia, Congo
- Dem. Rep, Burundi, Tanzania, Malawi, Afghanistan,
Bhutan, , Iraq, Liberia, Libya, , Qatar, Sao Somalia,
West Bank and Gaza, Kosovo and Kyrgyzstan.
1. World Bank Report April 2005, using Atlas Method
and PPP. (http://www.worldbank.org/data/ )