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April / May 2017 -
Volume 15, Issue 3
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Assessment of behaviors, risk factors of Diabetic foot ulcer and footwear safety among diabetic patients in primary care setting, Abu Dhabi, UAE
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Osama Moheb Ibrahim Mohamed, Nwanneka E. O. Ofiaeli, Adnan Syeed, Amira Elhassan,
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April/May 2017 - Volume 15, Issue 3

Assessment of behaviors, risk factors of Diabetic foot ulcer and footwear safety among diabetic patients in primary care setting, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Osama Moheb Ibrahim Mohamed (1)
Nwanneka E. O. Ofiaeli (2)
Adnan Syeed (3)
Amira Elhassan (4)
Mona Al Tunaiji (5)
Khuloud Al Hammadi (6)
Maryam Al Ali (7)

(1) MBBCh, MSc, MD FM, (MSc, UK), Consultant Family Medicine, Ambulatory Health Services, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
(2) MBBS, MRCGP (UK), DFFP(UK), Consultant Family Medicine, Ambulatory Health Services, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
(3) MBBS, MRCS, MRCGP(UK), Consultant Family Medicine, Ambulatory Health Services, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
(4) Consultant Family Medicine, Ambulatory Health Services, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
(5) Consultant Family Medicine, Ambulatory Health Services, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
(6) Khuloud Al Hammady, Family Medicine residents, SKMC, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE
(7) Maryam Al Ali , Family medicine resident SKMC, SEHA corporate, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Dr. Osama Moheb Ibrahim Mohamed
Consultant Family Medicine,
Ambulatory Health Services,
SEHA corporate,
Abu Dhabi,



Diabetes mellitus accounts for 5.2 % of all deaths world-wide. UAE had a prevalence of 19.3% in 2015. It is estimated that by 2025 this will rise to more than 21.5%(1). In patients with Diabetes 60-70% will develop peripheral neuropathy, (2) and 25% will develop a foot ulcer(3). The yearly incidence of diabetic foot ulcers ranges from 2 to 32%. More than half of all foot ulcers (wounds) will become infected, requiring hospitalization and 20% of infections result in amputation.(5) History of diabetic foot ulcer results in a 40% greater 10-year mortality in diabetic patients(10). Diabetic foot ulcers can be prevented and researchers have established that up to 85% of amputations can be prevented(15).

The Aim of this study was to assess behaviors, prevalence of diabetic foot risk factors and safety of footwear among diabetic patients.

A cross-sectional study was conducted in an ambulatory healthcare clinic. Self-reported questionnaire was used to assess foot care behaviors,'. Inlow's 60-second Diabetic Foot Screen was used to examine foot. ADA risk classification was used for risk assessment. Furthermore descriptive statistics were employed to assess the predicators of practice of diabetic foot care.

Results: The total patients were 74; the majority of respondents were local UAE patients 46 (71.88%) with diabetes duration of 8.8 years. Mean age was 59.1±10.11 years; male to female ratio was nearly similar. Mean A1c level was 7.45 ±1.81 and only 21 out of 50 (42%) patients had their HbA1c controlled (<7). 80.28% of patients completed at least elementary school. The frequency patients received foot care education and foot examination were 60 (81.08%) and 55 (74.32 %) respectively; 42 (55.56%) walked barefoot indoors, 43 (56.97%) wore shoes without socks, 35(47.95%) tested the water temperature with hand / elbow before taking a bath or a shower, 50 (68.49%) self-treated corns or calluses with a blade, 67 (90.54%) wore sandals, almost all 73 (98.93) relied on feeling the fit of the shoes when buying a new pair; overall shoes assessment was improper shoes in 64 (86.49 %). There was callus formation in 30 (42.26%), foot deformity in 11 (15.28%), loss of sensation by monofilament in 0 to 9 sites, out of 10 in foot 26 (40.55%), absence of dorsalis pedes pulse in 10 (13.89%) and 40 % were classified at risk category 1 to develop foot ulcer.

Conclusion: Foot care practices are still substandard among diabetic patients. There was a gap between what patient receive in foot education by health care provider and what patients did in real practice. Potential harmful foot care behaviors were high and protective foot care practice was low. Finally there were one or more risk factors of diabetic foot ulcer in the majority of patients.

Key words: Diabetes, Diabetic foot, diabetic neuropathy, foot deformity, proper shoes for diabetics, Abu Dhabi


Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major emerging clinical and public health problem accounting currently for 5.2 % of all deaths world-wide. According to International Diabetes Federation (IDF), prevalence of DM in UAE was 19.3 % in 2015. According to WHO estimates (2007), 190 million people suffer from diabetes world-wide and about 330 million are expected to be diabetic by the year 2025. UAE had been estimated to be the 10th country in the prevalence of Diabetes with prevalence of 19.6. Recent changes in physical activity and dietary patterns have promoted the development of diabetes and if different preventive and control activities are not adopted, by the year 2025 more than 21.5% of the population above 20 years old) will have diabetes(1).

About 60-70% of those with diabetes will develop peripheral neuropathy, or lose sensation in their feet(2). Up to 25% of those with diabetes will develop a foot ulcer(3). The yearly incidence of diabetic foot ulcers ranges from 2% to 32%, depending on ADA risk classification(4). More than half of all foot ulcers (wounds) will become infected, requiring hospitalization and 20% of infections result in amputation(5). Diabetes contributes to approximately 80% of the 120,000 non-traumatic amputations performed yearly in the United States(6). "Every 20 seconds, somewhere in the world, a limb is lost as a consequence of diabetes"(7). After a major amputation, 50% of people will have their other limb amputated within 2 years(7).

The relative 5-year mortality rate after limb amputation is 68%. When compared with cancer, it is second only to lung cancer (86%) (Colorectal cancer 39%, Breast cancer 23%, Hodgkin's disease 18%, Prostate cancer 8%). People with a history of a diabetic foot ulcer have a 40% greater 10-year mortality than people with diabetes alone(8) Every 30 minutes a limb is lost due to a landmine. Every 30 seconds, a limb is lost due to diabetes(9). Having a wound immediately doubles one's chances of dying at 10 years compared with someone without diabetes(9). Diabetic foot ulcers double mortality and heart attack risk while increasing risk for stroke by 40% (10); each $1 invested in care by a podiatrist for people with diabetes results in $27 to $51 of healthcare savings(11).

Diabetic foot ulcers as a result of neuropathy or ischemia are common. In developed countries, up to five per cent of people with diabetes have foot ulcers, and one in every six people with diabetes will have an ulcer during their lifetime. Foot problems are the most common cause of admission to hospital for people with diabetes. In developing countries, foot problems related to diabetes are thought to be even more common. Without action, global amputations rates will continue to rise(12).

In most cases, however, diabetic foot ulcers and amputations can be prevented. Researchers have established that between 49% and 85% of all amputations can be prevented. It is imperative, therefore, that healthcare professionals, policymakers and diabetes representative organizations undertake concerted action to ensure that diabetic foot care is structured as effectively as local resources will allow. This will facilitate improvements in foot care for people with diabetes throughout the world and bring about a reduction in diabetic-foot-related morbidity and mortality(13).


Diabetic foot is one of the common disabling diabetes complications leading to amputation and fortunately 85% of amputation is preventable by a cost-effective foot care. Diabetic foot examination is one of the key performance indicators (KPI) by Health Authority / SEHA Corporation so more data is needed among the Emirati diabetics to be used as a database for formulation of an organized structured foot care intervention program; this study is aiming to provide a database for foot care intervention program.


1-To assess the behaviors of patients with diabetes with respect to their foot care,
2-To assess the prevalence of diabetic foot risk among diabetic patients, and
3-To examine the safety of footwear for diabetic patients


A-Study Design: A cross sectional study was conducted in a primary care clinic, Ambulatory Health Care.

B-Study Population:

1-Patient population: Patients who presented to Al Bateen Family Medicine Clinic with physician-diagnosed Diabetes based on the A1C above or equal 6.5% and who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, were included in the study
2-Inclusion Criteria were: patients suffering from diabetes for at least 3 years, Adult (above 18) diabetic patients
3-Exclusion criteria were: Patient with current Diabetic foot ulcer, History of amputation, Charcot's foot, congenital foot deformities, Visual impairment, Physically independent. Informed consent was obtained and study proposal was approved by research committee, ambulatory health care.
4-Sample size: Based on patients' inclusion and exclusion criteria and 11% anticipated frequency of "proper foot care" at 95% confidence interval, sample size was estimated to be 74 diabetic patients(14)..

C- Statistical Analysis: The data were entered into Excel spreadsheet and analyzed using SPSS(17) for Windows. Analysis used simple frequency distribution of key variables in the study. Comparison was made with selected base line demographic variable age gender, educational status and socioeconomic status. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Data was collected by the investigators for consistency. For ethical purposes foot care education was promoted among unaware diabetic patients who participated in the study.

D-Methods of Data Collection:

1-Demographic data (age, sex, education, employment status, duration of diabetes, A1c level, smoking status).
2-Evaluation of Foot Care behaviour: Patients were asked to fill Vileikyte and colleagues (15) questionnaires for assessment of foot-care behavior, (Figure 1). The content of the tool was based on international "diabetic foot care guidelines"(16-17). The seventeen-item questionnaire is split into two behavioral subscales: nine items pertaining to preventative behavior and eight items to potentially damaging behavior. Responses were rated on two different scales: a 6-point scale for "during the past week" questions (twice a day, daily, every other day, twice a week, once a week, or never) and on a four-point scale for "in general" questions (always, most of the time, occasionally, or never).
3- Foot Examination: Inlow's 60-second Diabetic Foot Screen was used to examine foot(18), (Figure 2)
4-Foot risk classification : ADA foot risk classification was used for risk assessment (Figure3)(19)
5-Foot-wear assessment checklist (Figure 4). A foot examination check list was also developed which scored on the presence or absence of proper footwear and included footwear recommendations prepared by the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot; any abnormal character of the footwear in the checklist indicated improper footwear (20).

Click here for Figure 1: The behavior questions

Click here for Figure 2: Risk classification based on the comprehensive foot examination

Click here for Figure 3

Click here for Figure 4: Footwear Assessment Checklist


Characteristics of the participants are reported in Table 1. A higher percentage of the participants were local and were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, and there were a high proportion of participants who did not complete secondary school.

Table 1: Characteristics of Study populations

There were a significantly higher proportion of study population who received foot care health education and feet were examined by healthcare personnel as shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Frequency patient received foot care education and foot examination

Forty-two patients (55.56%) walked barefoot indoors, 43 (56.97%) wear shoes without socks, 35 (47.95%) did you test the water temperature with hand / elbow before taking a bath or a shower, 50 (68.49%) self-treated corns or calluses with a blade, 67 (90.54%) wear sandals as shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Frequency of patients' Diabetic foot preventative behaviors during the past week

Only 41.89 of patients often wear trainers/sneakers or lace-up shoes, Table 4.

Table 4: Frequency of patients' Diabetic foot preventative behaviors during the past week

Thirty two percent and 31% did not walk bare foot or wear shoes without socks respectively, Table 5.

Click here for Table 5: Frequency of patients' Diabetic Foot potentially damaging behaviors during the past week

Table 6: Frequency of patients' Diabetic Foot potentially damaging behaviors during the past week

Table 7: Footwear Assessment among participants

There was callus formation in 30 (42.26%), foot deformity in11 (15.28%), loss of sensation by monofilament in 0 to 9 sites out of 10 in foot 26 (40.55%), absence of dorsalis pedes pulse in 10 (13.89%) and 40 % were classified at risk category 1 to develop foot ulcer. as shown in Table 8.

Table 8: 60-second Diabetic Foot Screen

Twenty-one (33.79%) of study population were classified to have either risk categories 1, 2 or 3 to develop foot ulcer, Table 9.

Table 9: Risk classification based on foot examination

LOPS; loss of peripheral sensation, PAD; peripheral arterial disease


A total 74 patients were recruited; the majority of respondents were local UAE patients 46 (71.88%) with diabetes duration of 8.8 years; mean age was 59.1±10.11 years; male to female ratio was nearly similar; mean A1c level was 7.45 ±1.81 and 80.28 of patients completed at least elementary school. The frequency as to which patients received foot care education and foot examination were 60 (81.08%) and 55 (74.32 %) respectively. 42 (55.56%) walked barefoot indoors; 43(56.97%) wear shoes without socks, 35(47.95%) did test the water temperature with hand / elbow before taking a bath or a shower; 50 (68.49%) self-treated corns or calluses with a blade; 67 (90.54%) wear sandals; almost all 73 (98.93) relied on feeling the fit of the shoes when buying a new pair. Overall shoes assessment was improper shoes in 64 (86.49%); there were callus formation in 30 (42.26%), foot deformity in 11 (15.28%), loss of sensation by monofilament in 0 to 9 sites out of 10 in foot 30 (40.54%), absence of dorsalis pedes pulse in 10 (13.89%) and 40 % were classified at risk category 1 to develop foot ulcer.

Prevalence of patients who achieved controlled DM (<7) in this study was 42%. This result is consistent with a big survey conducted in 9952 subjects which demonstrated that almost half of the subjects did not meet the recommended target of glycemic control, and especially the rate of achieving the HbA1c target markedly decreased with longer durations despite increases in the use of any diabetes medication.(21)

In this study although patients who received foot care education and foot examination were 60 (81.08%) and 55 (74.32 %) respectively, surprisingly, foot care practices are still poor as shown in improper footwear 64 (86.49%). Education and foot examination were not usually associated with improvement of foot care behaviors. A similar result was found in a study conducted in the USA and recommended that understanding the risk factors, and having the ability to manage complications outside of the clinical encounter is an important part of a diabetes foot self-care management program(22).

In this study, there were 21.13% of patients who complained of feet pain and numbness which is not consistent with another study conducted in 160 patients with diabetes in a hospital setting which demonstrated 42% had numbness/tingling and pain in their feet (23). This difference may be attributed to a population sample in hospital settings. In another community based study painful symptoms occurred in 26% of patients without neuropathy(24) which is similar to the current study.

In this study, we found that although approximately 80% of patients at Al Bateen Clinic engaged in some recommended foot care practices and education, fairly high proportions reported foot care or footwear practices that should be avoided; in particular, walking barefooted, wearing shoes without socks and wearing pointed (narrow) toe shoes that leads to development of predisposing conditions of diabetic foot like corn, calluses, foot injury, foot deformity, fungal infections, clawing, ingrowing nails, edema feet. Comparable data on footwear and foot care practices in Caribbean populations, from two studies, one from Trinidad25 and the other from Barbados26 have reported some data. In Trinidad 49% of patients attending primary care diabetes clinics reported walking barefooted inside the house and 23% walked barefooted outside the house. Comparable data with similar results in a study reported 44.4 % walking barefooted inside home (27, 28).

In this study, we found 33.79% of the study population were classified to have either risk categories 1, 2 or 3 to develop foot ulcer. Our data was similar to data demonstrated in a study conducted in UAE in 2007 which showed 39% (95% CI: 35.1-43.7%) had peripheral neuropathy and 12% (95% CI: 8.8-14.4%) had peripheral vascular disease(29).

The findings of this study are limited by the small sample size which limited our ability to demonstrate any associations between foot care practices or footwear and socio-demographic factors. Despite these limitations, these data highlight the need for further studies with larger, representative samples to better understand the problem at a national level. We also believe that publication of these findings will serve as a catalyst for further studies in the subject area, where clinicians and researchers can evaluate the extent to which appropriate practices are being followed in their setting. Additionally, prospective studies that evaluate the impact of foot care and footwear practices on outcomes such as foot ulcers and amputations would further help to determine the potential for interventions to improve practice and reduce complications.

Foot care practices are still substandard; there was a gap between what patients receive in foot education by health care provider and what patients did in real practice., Potential harmful foot care behaviors were high and protective foot care practice was low. Finally there were one or more risk factors of diabetic foot ulcer in the majority of diabetic patients.

Overall, the study highlights the need for greater emphasis on foot care education and foot wear practices for patients with diabetes in Al Bateen Clinic and the need to identify barriers to foot care practice, both as it relates to the physician and to the patient. This would then lead to studies evaluating the efficacy of various intervention strategies to provide evidence-based guidelines for practice.

The first draft of study protocol was written by the first author then authors from 1-5 reviewed and edited the final study protocol; all authors contributed in data collection. The first author conducted the statistical analysis, results and wrote the manuscript ( including the discussion section) then all authors reviewed and edited the manuscript and made the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. The study was approved by the ethics and research committee in Ambulatory Healthcare Services/SEHA.


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